Student Catalog and Handbook 2023-2024

Institutional Course Exemption

For students with previously acquired knowledge and skills, course credit may be obtained by demonstrating mastery of the subject and related individual course competencies through written and/or performance tests. Exemption examinations are available for several, but not all, courses at West Georgia Technical College. Students are charged a non-refundable fee of 25% of normal tuition to take an exemption exam attempting to receive exemption credit. Courses currently available for exemption course testing includes: ALHS 1011, ALHS 1040, ALHS 1090, CISM 2201, COSM 1000, COSM 1020, ECCE 1101, FRSC 1121, FRSC 1132, FRSC 1141, FRSC 2130, FRSC 2141, MATH 1012, MATH 1013, IDSY 1005, IDSY 1101, IDSY 1130, BUSN 1300. Students should contact the specific Program Chair or divisional Academic Dean of the program area for specific information concerning course exemption availability.

The following procedures for course exemption exams are to be followed:

  1. Student must be accepted or currently enrolled as a credit student at West Georgia Technical College and must take the exemption exam prior to enrolling in the course unless the course was previously passed and has expired for program eligibility. (Exemption exams may be taken only once.) The student must have also met the prerequisites for the course. Students enrolled in Learning Support courses may not request exemption from a subsequent course in that area.
  2. No later than the withdrawal date of the semester in which the exemption exam is requested, student meets with program chair to request an exemption exam. Program Chair explains the exemption process, gathers information from the student to determine eligibility, and upon verification of eligibility, provides the request form to the student to begin the process.
  3. Upon form completion, the Program Chair recommends the student for exemption testing, signs form, and forwards the form to the appropriate Academic Dean for final approval/denial.
  4. Academic Dean contacts the student and assesses evidence to determine if prior education, training, or work experience is similar to that of the course being considered. Dean checks for completion, collaborates with the Program Chair, and signs and returns form to student if recommended for testing.
  5. Student presents signed Exemption Exam Request form to the campus cashier for fee payment. Cashier checks to be sure form has been signed by both the Academic Dean and Program Chair. See cashier for current fees.
  6. Student presents Exemption Exam Request form and photo ID to exam proctor at scheduled time of exam, on predetermined campus. Failure to arrive at designated time generally results in fee forfeiture and loss of test appointment.
  7. Student completes exemption exam. Student must receive minimum score of 80% to be awarded exemption credit.
  8. The Dean of the appropriate school submits official exam score to the Registrar for academic recording.
  9. Registrar notifies the student of exemption exam results by mail and student email.
  10. If the student has passed the exam, the Registrar records the grade as EX on the student’s transcript. (EX grades are not included in the calculation of the student’s grade point average.)