Student Catalog and Handbook 2023-2024




West Georgia Technical College strongly encourages regular and punctual class attendance. Research shows a strong correlation between class attendance and grades earned. Absences prevent students from receiving full course benefits, disrupt orderly course progress, impact the quality of group interaction in class, and may result in diminished class material comprehension. The highest chance of academic success is achieved by attending all scheduled classes throughout the semester.

Although West Georgia Technical College is a non-attendance taking institution, students are responsible for missing scheduled instructional time and must understand the potential impact for that missed time. Students anticipating an absence or tardiness should contact the instructor and provide notification as soon as possible to determine any make-up work if available. Make-up work is at the discretion of the instructor and classroom procedures defining the eligibility of make-up must be specifically outlined in the course syllabus with procedures applied fairly and consistently to all enrolled students. An instructor may also establish a grade based on a student’s class participation which may include quizzes, classroom discussion, and other participation assignments. Absences and tardiness during such assessments will impact participation and likely impact your overall class grade and may not be eligible for make-up.

Students who are called to military or jury duty should inform their instructors and, if applicable, the Financial Aid office prior to their absence, and provide appropriate documentation. In the event of class cancellation or school closure due to severe weather or other emergencies, students are expected to continue participating in learning activities via Blackboard, their official college email account, or other modality. Instructors will provide information on their continuation of instruction plans in their syllabus. 

Specific participation and hour requirements policies may be mandated and enforced in certain courses as a condition of accreditation or licensure\certification eligibility compliance. These requirements will be detailed in individual course syllabi and program handbooks for such courses. Students taking online courses must complete the Course Agreement Form within the first week of class to avoid being dropped from their class as a No Show.