Student Catalog and Handbook 2023-2024

Elective Courses

Program elective courses may be inside or outside the program of study, based on the list of approved electives provided in each program description. Program majors may include three types of electives:

  1. Occupational/technically-related electives are those that are relative to the student’s chosen academic major. These electives are generally satisfied by courses found in the student’s academic major area or in a major related to the student’s chosen field of study.
  2. General core electives are selected from the general core course offerings available at the award level of the academic program in which the student is enrolled. Degree general core electives must come from degree level academic courses. Diploma level general core must come from diploma level basic skills offerings. However, if a student’s placement score in a particular diploma program meets the degree level, the student may substitute the higher level degree course for the lower level diploma course, depending on compatibility of the course competencies and with registrar approval. For example, if a student’s diploma level program requires ENGL 1010 but the student’s placement score in English is at the degree level (or higher), the student may take the higher degree level ENGL 1101 Composition and Rhetoric course. Diploma level courses cannot be used as electives in degree programs with the exception of open electives specifically listed as “XXXX xxxx” electives.
  3. General electives may be satisfied by either a technically-related occupational course or a general education course. When a general education course is used to satisfy this elective, it must be selected from offerings available at the award level of the academic program in which the student is enrolled. Degree general education electives must come from degree level general education course offerings. Diploma level basic skills electives must come from diploma level basic skills offerings. However, if a student’s placement score in a particular diploma program meets the degree level, the student may substitute the higher level degree course for the lower level diploma course, depending on compatibility of the course competencies and with registrar approval (see example in paragraph above).

Learning support courses cannot be used to satisfy any elective requirement. Students should consult with their program advisors before registering for any elective course to ensure that the course selection will meet program graduation requirements.