Student Catalog and Handbook 2024-2025

Work Ethics Procedures

The Technical College System of Georgia and WGTC believe it is extremely important to identify, evaluate, and encourage good work habits as an integral part of the instructional program. Therefore, a system to evaluate “work ethics” has been developed and will be assessed in selected courses within a student's program. Work ethics characteristics are taught and assessed in each selected course with the grade provided as a component of each academic grade.


The following work ethics characteristics are emphasized:

1. Attendance 6. Productivity
2. Character 7. Organizational Skills
3. Teamwork 8. Communication
4. Appearance 9. Cooperation
5. Attitude 10. Respect

Throughout the semester emphasis is given to each of these traits to include presentation of the trait followed by assessment of understanding and demonstration of the trait by each instructor.  Each assessment contributes to an overall work ethics grade to be provided for the class and average with other assessments for the class.


The grade for work ethics is a component of the overall academic course grade.