Student Catalog and Handbook 2023-2024


West Georgia Technical College registration dates are listed on the academic calendar at the front of the catalog and on the College’s website at Steps for registration are also available on the WGTC website, and semester course schedules are posted as the dates and times for advisement and registration become active each semester. Registration is conducted via the web or with advising assistance available from a Student Advising Center staff person or from an academic advisor. Courses available for registration are listed on the College website. There are several phases of registration each semester, to serve various groups of students.

Returning Student Registration is open to currently enrolled students near the mid-point of each semester. If enrolled in the last three semesters students may register during returning student registration. 

Open Registration is open to newly and readmitted students.

Late Registration begins the first day of each semester. Students may register online through Self Service Banner Web.

Drop/Add is scheduled the first three days of each academic semester. Students wishing to make changes to their schedules must do so by the third day of the semester. Students may drop or add courses during this period. Courses dropped during Drop/Add will not appear on the student’s official academic record.  Courses dropped during Drop/Add will not incur tuition.

Withdrawal Students who need to withdraw from one or more courses after the third day of the semester must do so either by accessing their Banner Web account to withdraw, or by emailing The course(s) will be included on the student’s transcript. No refund is given for withdrawn courses and the credit hours count as attempted hours for financial aid satisfactory academic progress.

  1. Any student withdrawing from ALL classes for the academic semester should contact Financial Aid and academic advisor to understand the consequences of the withdrawal.  These actions are highly advised.
  2. Students may withdraw from course(s) by accessing the Self Service Banner Web or emailing  The date the email is sent is the effective date of withdrawal. Students receiving federal financial aid assistance will be subject to a Federal Return to Title IV calculations which may result in a financial aid over award. 

Withdrawal during the first three days of the semester provides for the refund of 100 percent of applicable tuition and fees.

Unofficial Withdrawals are determined when students receiving federal financial aid assistance do not pass any courses and do not officially withdraw from the college. Students considered "unofficially withdrawn" will be subject to Federal Return to Title IV calculations which may result in a financial aid over award.

‘No Shows’ are reported for nonattendance in the first week of the semester. Any student who fails to show for class or log in with academic activity for online classes within the first seven days of the semester will be reported as a ‘No Show.’ ‘No Show’ classes will not appear on a student’s record. Financial aid students who have been reported as a ‘No Show’ will become responsible for all charges.

Special Status and Transient Student Registration is available during the open registration period each semester. Registration for students admitted in special status is available to new students who complete their admissions file by the semester application deadline, currently enrolled special status students, and previous special status students who request readmission by the semester application deadline. Registration for transient students is available to new students who complete their admissions file by the semester application deadline. Registration for currently enrolled transient students is available to students who submit a transient student letter at least two weeks prior to registration each semester. Registration for previously enrolled transient students is available to students who request readmission and submit a transient student letter by the semester application deadline.