Student Catalog and Handbook 2023-2024

Cybersecurity Certificate (IS81)

The Cybersecurity certificate is designed to give students the knowledge they need to understand and maintain computer information systems security.

NOTE: Program courses in Computer Information Systems require strong aptitudes for math, problem solving, critical thinking, listening, teamwork, and written direction.

Credits for CIST & CISM courses are awarded only for courses that have been completed within the last seven years. Any courses completed over seven years ago may be recommended by the program chair and approved by the Dean of the School of Business/Public Services if the student presents recent, documented, in-field experience or current software certification.

Career Opportunities

Graduates may find entry-level employment as cybersecurity specialists working with networking systems, telecommunications, cryptography, security system design, or risk assessment and contingency planning.

Credit Required for Completion: Minimum of 26 credit hours


Occupational Courses

CISM 2201: Students who successfully complete COMP 1000 prior to January 2018 may use that course to fulfill the CISM 2201 requirement for graduation.
CIST 1601Information Security Fundamentals


CIST 1602Security Policies and Procedures


CIST 2601Implementing Operating Systems Security


CIST 2602Network Security


CIST 2611Network Defense and Countermeasures


CIST 2612Computer Forensics


CIST 2613Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing