Student Catalog and Handbook 2021-2022

Other Types of Financial Assistance

Veteran Education Benefits

Veteran Education Benefits are provided through the Montgomery G. I. Bill, Survivors and Dependents Benefits and Veterans’ Rehabilitation Benefits. Most of West Georgia Technical College’s programs are approved for Veteran Educational Benefits with several certifying officials available in the Financial Aid Office for veterans’ needs.

Veterans and other eligible students receiving Veterans Affairs (VA) educational entitlements are required to comply with the admissions, academic, and attendance regulations that have been established for all students at WGTC. In addition, those receiving VA benefits must:

  1. Seek credit for all previous training or experience that could be applicable to their chosen program of study. VA regulation 14253 requires all previous training be evaluated for possible credit. A transcript or other documentation of training must be submitted with the individual’s eligibility papers. The school will give written notice granting or denying such credit.
  2. Once admitted to WGTC, the veteran must comply with the college’s attendance regulations and report any schedule changes that could affect their status with the VA. Such changes include notifying the certifying official of the following:
    • Dropping or adding courses
    • Transferring from full- to half-time status or vice versa
    • Changing programs of study
    • Withdrawing from school without filing the proper withdrawal forms in Admissions.

Applications and forms are readily available in the Financial Aid Office. Certifying Officials in Financial Aid will provide counseling and assistance completing forms. Students receiving VA benefits must adhere strictly to their program of study. Program change forms 22-1995 or 22-5495 and enrollment change of status forms 22-1999b must be filed promptly to avoid personal liability resulting from over-payment of VA benefits.

VA benefits are based on the number of credit hours taken per semester, 12 hours is full time:

12 or more 100% payment of monthly
9-11 75% payment of monthly
6-8 50% payment of monthly
1-5 25% payment of monthly or the cost of tuition and fees

For more information regarding VA Education Benefits view the website or contact the VA hotline at 1.888.442.4551. WGTC’s VA Certifying Official can be contacted at